"I saw his teeth and the playful grin with which he foretold the history,I felt his handshake and,like a distant murmur,his conventional good-bye.The night ,which folded away as his words touched it,closed in arround me again,enveloping me within it.Despite what he said I now knew....I knew that when the great guiding spirit cleaves humanity into two antagonistic halves,I will be with the people.And I know it because I see it imprinted on the night that I,the electic dissector of doctrines and pshycoanalyst of dogmas,howling like a man possed,will destroy the barricades and trenches,will stain my weapon with blood,and consumed with rage,will slaughter any enemy I lay hands on.And then,as if an immense weariness were consuming my recent exhilaration,I see myself being sacrificed to the authentic revolution,the great leveller of individual will,pronouncing the exemplary Mea Culpa .I feel my nostrils dilate,savouring the acrid smell of gunpowder and blood,of the enemy's death,I brace my body,ready for combat,and prepare myself to be a secret precinct within which the bestial howl of the victorious proletariat can resound with new vigour and new hope."
PS:this is taken from the book motorcycle diaries by ernesto che gueverra