Sunday, October 18, 2009

God:the belief!

Is there a god? this has been a big question over the centuries, different persons have different answers to this question, here is mine:

For the belief:

  • Since childhood we have been taught to belive in god and to pray regularly by our elders and most importantly by our parents,so this must have some logic.
  • Neumerous pepole, near about 90% of the population has this belief and are devoted to god .
  • You can hear a lot of miracles happening here and there accomplishing the belief in god.
  • Religious preachers are they all craps.
  • Each and every big bodies(here i donot mean six pack i meant distinguished figures) are seen worshipping in temples and giving huge donations too.

Against the belief:

  • Any one living in this world has never seen the god, or may have claimed to but has failed to produce substance to their claims.
  • If there realy is a god why the hell this tragedies keep on happening,these natural calamities and oll.
  • Why the hell these sadhus,fakirs and whatever keeps on asking money in the name of god.
  • Why do we have different gods in different religions.
  • How come wrong happens to people if god is the almighty power and always does right.
  • And last but not the least,why do this holy books of different religions are filled with hipocracy.
I have analyised these points and much much more and have come to a point,that there is no such god,the god theory or the religious beliefs were made in ancient times for betterment of mankind,but nowdays it is only a mere way to fullfill some hypocrites' self needs,and terrorism and taking money in the name of god are just the begining.If there is realy a devine power it is the belief within you which helps you to hold your nerves and gives you a last hope,in situations where you can do nothing.Though these are my personal thoughts and hope these will not insipire any other brains.


  1. well you are right in a way....

    But i believe in God..... i've seen miracles happening which is only possible of God existence!
